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Gairah sek dengan pijat kaki

TIPS MERANGSANG GAIRAH SEKS DENGAN PIJATAN KAKI . Label: info wanita Massage on the feet do not just make the body more relaxed because of increased hormone oxytocin. Foot massage can also arouse. Naturally, because the nervous system that relate directly to sexual desire there are many on foot. Foot massage also stimulates spending toxins from the body. How to perform foot massage: 1. Clean the feet with warm water Prepare a container of warm water or a towel soaked in warm water to clean the feet. Soak your feet in warm water-filled container or wrap with warm towels. This mode will also make your partner feel more comfortable to do massage. 2. Use a lavender-scented lotion Fragrant lavender men and women accepted as a fragrance that stimulates desire or aphrodisiac. 3. Do the massage on all parts of your feet In reflexology originated from the same root with the science of acupuncture, the feet relate to all parts of the body. Correlated with the head of the toes. Maybe you've heard, in reflexology mentioned, if the headache, just hit your toes. Sensitive areas at the base of the toes is also a point that is connected to the neck. Certain sections in the soles of the feet are connected with the stomach. While the outside of the foot massages are the points for the spine. To understand the exact point of reflection and its influence on the health of the head, neck, abdomen, spine, or a particular disease, you need to learn more. By doing a simple massage, rather than reflection, you can stimulate these nerve points and provide relaxation for couples. Feel the good vibrations flowing when couples do massage. 4. Perform massage upward Tend to be strained ankle. Perform gentle massage on the feet will help loosen the joints. Merebahlah and enjoy while the couple began to massage from the heel. Started doing massage from heel to toe direction by using your thumb. Do it slowly with a light massage to couples not amused. Also do massage on your toes and pull each finger for 10 seconds. Continue to massage the feet of the calf with a movement towards the knee (the movement from bottom to top to top). Perform the movement slowly and gently massage. Some people may prefer hard massage with more pressure. We recommend that you ask your partner to measure the level of massage which she preferred.